Should I convert my Individual Retirement Account (IRA) to a Roth IRA? The answer is, as with most financial questions, it depends.
How Retirement Accounts are Taxed
If you are contribution to an IRA, 401k, 403b or other employer retirement account, you pay income tax on any funds that you withdraw. Just like a paycheck is taxed. When you withdraw funds from a Roth IRA, assuming you followed all the rules, there is no tax. None.
What is a Roth conversion?
A Roth IRA conversion occurs when you transfer funds from your IRA into your Roth IRA. You pay ordinary income tax on the funds you convert in the tax year you do the conversion. Just as if you earned those funds at a job. The idea is to pay income tax at the time of conversion on those funds, and never pay tax again.
Does it make sense to convert?
It might make sense for you to convert funds if the tax on the dollars you convert is lower today than the tax rate you may find yourself in the future. For example, if you are in the 24 percent tax rate now and later in the future you think you will be in the 12 percent tax rate, then it does not make sense to pay a higher tax now. But, if the flip side is that you are in the 12 percent tax rate now and in the future you think you’ll be in a higher tax rate, then it might make sense to convert.
What are those rules?
To withdraw funds tax free from a Roth IRA you need to (with some exceptions):
What are some signs that you might be a candidate for converting?
What are some signs that you should not convert IRA dollars to a Roth IRA?
How much money should you convert?
Assuming you are a candidate for a Roth conversion, you could convert enough dollars to put you to the top of your current tax bracket. If your future tax bracket is several brackets higher than you are in now, you might even convert more, and fill up the next tax bracket.
For example, let’s assume you are 60 years old, have a large savings account and have decided to delay taking Social Security. You are funding your lifestyle from your savings or non-retirement account. Your only income is dividend, interest and capital gains from your non-retirement accounts. You find yourself in the 10 percent tax bracket, but when you turn 70, you plan to take Social Security and you know that between your Social Security and your large Required Minimum Distributions you will find yourself in the 24 percent tax bracket. In addition, you won’t turn 70 until 2028 at which time you believe our tax structure will revert to the old ways, and you think you will actually be in the 28 percent tax bracket. You could convert as enough to fill up the 10 percent bracket, or you could convert more and fill up the 12, 22 or even 24 percent tax bracket. On paper going all the way to the top of the 24 percent bracket makes sense because you will be in the 28 percent bracket in the future. In reality, how much you convert will depend on:
Making a Roth Conversion is a big decision and errors can be costly, but it has the potential to save you money in the long run. We suggest you check with your financial advisor or tax preparer before making a conversion.