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Advisors Infante and Moehring Are Now Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® Professionals

Written by Birchwood Financial Partners | Nov 20, 2023 6:57:48 PM

The Institute for Divorce Financial Analysts™ (IDFA™) is pleased to announce that Rachel Infante and Kimmie Moehring recently completed a specialized educational program in professional divorce planning and are now Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® professionals (CDFA®).

As CDFA®s Rachel and Kimmie will work with individuals, helping them understand what resources they have to work with, and how to navigate the division of assets. As financial advisors they will explore what is most important to each person, understanding the individual's long-term goals while taking into consideration the tax and emotional impact of each financial decision. 

"Having been through a divorce myself with young children, I sympathize with the shock and complexity it can bring," says Rachel.  "I hope to help clients better understand the financial aspects of the divorce process and the unique financial planning that follows."

"I know how important it is to have support going through a major life transition," says Kimmie. "I hope to provide that to clients by helping create a strategic financial plan through the divorce process and beyond."

Birchwood Financial Partners is excited to add this specialized knowledge base into our work, building tailored financial strategies designed to give clients an understanding of how their resources align with their goals as well as give guidance on how to protect and grow their financial foundation.

About  IDFA™
Founded in 1993, IDFA™ currently has more than 2,000 CDFAs across the United States and Canada. The number of professionals receiving the CDFA® designation continues to grow at nearly 15% each year. The designation and this niche industry are expanding rapidly as more people across the country search for alternative divorce processes – from collaborative law to mediation – rather than litigating their case using lawyers as their only line of defense. For more information about IDFA™ or the CDFA® designation, visit